Monday, January 29, 2018

Importance of Ascendant

Asc or Lagna = beginning of the journey of life at the time of birth...

Ascendant is the point in the ZODIAC rising in the eastern horizon when a person is born...

Sun rising in the eastern horizon => Day begins

Asc rising on the eastern horizon => life begins ( the soul gets the body)

Thus, ascendant marks the BIRTH and stores the information of the Destiny of the person who is born...

That is why the most important reference point in any horoscope is the ASC. ...which obviously becomes the (cusp of the) FIRST House...

The horoscope begins from the ASC...., without the ASC other houses are not defined, the destiny is not defined...

Thus, never ignore the ascendant and the planet that rules the ascendant...

Go beyond the SUN SIGN astrology

with love
jyoti prakash
Contact for astrological consultation
Contact = +91 9871 222 426

Variables in Vedic Astrology

Main elements/Variables in Vedic Astrology

A ) 12 Houses

B ) 12 Signs - dividing the zodiac on the basis of the Sun's movement. Sun makes one round of the zodiac in 12 month. A sign is defined by how much Sun moves (average) in a month

C ) 27 nakshatra - dividing the zodiac on the basis of the Moon's movement. Moon makes one round of the zodiac in approximately 27 days. A nakshatra is defined by how much Moon moves (average) in a day.

D ) 9 grahas (planets)

E )  ascendant (lagna)

with love
Jyoti Prakash
For astrological consultation
Contact  +91 9871 222 426 (whatsapp)

Sun, Moon and Asc

Sun = Soul
Asc = body
Moon = mind

Once the birth happens...the soul is bound to the body. The body continues its journey of life as directed by the MIND (Moon)... thus we see Moon is the real driver in the journey of life in any birth. What does our mind needs to drive the body (and the soul that is bound to the body) towards the correct destination ? - ofcouse it needs knowledge. Knowledge comes from Jupiter (the guru of the devas)  or Venus (the guru of the demons)....

But ultimately who is the driver of the life's journey once the birth happens? - ofcourse mind (Moon).

That is why Vedic Astrology gives utmost importance to Moon's Nakshatra and Moon's Sign....

with love
Jyoti Prakash
For astrological consultation
Contact  +91 9871 222 426 (whatsapp)

Monday, January 15, 2018

Moon is Chandra

Vedic Names of Grahas ( 2nd post )

Moon = Chandra => cha (mind)+indra(king)

Moon is CHANDRA which rules the mind.

What are the traits of a real un-afflicted mind which has realised GOD ?

A man, possessing such a mind, will LOVE all without any discrimination.

An enlightened mind has no enemy. An enlightened mind is driven by pure LOVE ( not lust).

So calling moon by HIS name CHANDRA is equivalent to inviting the pure divine energy to rule our mind and fill us with the feeling of UNIVERSAL LOVE.

Sun is SURYA

Sun = SURYA => Su(good)+Arya(man)

Now who is Su+Arya ?
Obviously, a man who always upholds his DHARMA.

So when you call Sun by HIS vedic name Surya, you are praising HIM for HIS divine ability to always follow HIS dharma ( duties). So calling SUN by the name Surya is basically equivalent to activating that divine ability of Surya within you.

How many of us can always (in any cicumstance) follow our DHARMA? 

Think.... Contempalate

Vedic Names of Planets

Vedic Names of Planets (grahas)

Knowing the planets ( grahas) by their Vedic names.

Vedic names of grahas have been selected by the Ancient Sages ( rishis),  these names convey deep POSITIVE meanings about them.. so if you call a graha by its Vedic (sanskrit) name, you are actually welcoming that graha's POSITIVITY in your life...

Grahas in Vedic Astrology

Astrological planets are called GRAHAS in Vedic Astrology.

The Sanskrit word GRAHA captures the idea that these nine grahas are living energies which put out waves of energy.

These waves of energy affect our awareness. The active power of these celestial energies is to seize (grab) our consciousness when we come under their influence or to take hold of what we focus on... This is how GRAHAS affect us (in the astrological sense).

Any celestial body that has above qualities will be a GRAHA - be it a planet (mars, jupiter...etc), Star (Sun), Satellite (moon) or shadow (rahu and Ketu).

Those who understand this concept of graha can understand why Vedic Astrology prescribes MANTRA chanting to turn a graha's energy positive in our life or to strengthen the positive energies of a graha in our life.

Word "Planet" is an unfortunate translation to use for GRAHAS in astrological context.

Greeks invented the word planet to mean "that which wanders in the sky".

Sun or Moon have a very organised motion, they do not seem to  wander as seen from earth. Greeks never intented to call SUN a planet. They never intended to call either Moon a planet.

Europeans, when they borrowed knowledge from Greece and  Arab in the renaissance period, they started to use the word planet for all the celestial enties that have astrological influence on us.